A child is born. The parents go one way, the child another. There are many reasons for this. However, ours is not to discuss the whys and wherefores, but how to bring these families back together. We have Bower/Bauer/Baur, etc. adoptees ~ cousins around the world searching for their lineages, past and present.

This room is for you if:

  You believe you have Bower/Bauer/Baur (or any other variant searched at this clearinghouse) in your lines, current and/or past,


  You or your ancestor is an adoptee, OR

  You are a birthparent searching for your child, OR

  Your ancestor relinquished a child to adoption.

NOTE: Please do not expect to enter general queries into this forum as they will be deleted! This room of the Homestead is for adoptees and their birthparents only.

Many adoptees face the arduous task of stepping outside the boundaries of 'natural' genealogical research. Below you'll find what I hope to be many helps for you. I can only wish you the best on your travels down the road of adoption research and hope that the locked doors of sealed records will open themselves to you. You truly have a winding road ahead.


How to start your search


What to expect


Where to write for information


U.S. laws, state by state, regarding the opening of adoption records


International laws, country by country, regarding the opening of adoption records


Adoptee links


Reunion registries


Archived adoptee and birthparent forum ~ read only.  While the posts are still current and active, this forum isn't.  Please use the next one (below) to enter a message.


Adoptee [even though ancestral] and Birthparent Forum. ~~ Please do not enter general queries into this forum as they will be deleted! ~~


Sources on adoption search, being adopted, and reunions ~ books, videos, cassette tapes, etc.


Email lists and newsgroups


Preparing for reunion

Below are some of the terms and definitions you'll find used in this room:

AD: Adoptee
AP: Adoptive Parent
BP: Birth Parent
BS: Birth Sibling

Non-Identifying Information: Information about the other party usually limited to ages, physical descriptions, talents and hobbies and basic medical data. Cost as well as the amount of information received will depend on the agency or court that releases it.

Passive Registry: At least two parties are required to register with a public or private agency in order for a match to be made. Some registries require as many as five signatures. (both adoptive parents, both birthparents, and the adoptee)

Active Registry: One party registers with a public or private agency and a third party contacts the person being sought for their consent to be contacted or have information released.

Waiver of Confidentiality: A document filed by one party allowing for disclosure of records or identifying information to the other party. Not always honored by the state or agency

Intermediary System: Intermediaries are individuals approved by the court to have an adoption file released to them upon petition by an adoptee or birthparent. The intermediary then searches for the other party to obtain consent for identifying information to be released. Similar to an active registry.

Disclosure Veto: A document filed by one party to register a refusal to the release of any identifying information

Contact Veto: A document filed by one party to register a refusal to be contacted by the searching party. Sometimes extends to all lineal relatives and descendants



Today I looked into the eyes of my Granddaughter and told her how it would be.
Thank God I had the presence of mind to tell her well because she listened and heard every word.
At last I've seen that to communicate with a young baby is to talk with God.
She will be everything that I told her to be.
Take care, New Parents, what you tell to your child.
They are like an open door.
Don't close them.

by: Theresa [Bower] Feek
27 June 1999


Submitted by Colleen Pustola and Theresa [Bower] Feek - 5Aug99